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    考研2025年英语二作文预测 有可能考什么

    王世忠 2024-07-03 15:34:23


    考研2025年英语二作文预测 有可能考什么



    As is shown in the picture(graph\cartoon\table),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals, collective and even the whole world. Each of us should attach high emphasis on solving it.

    As a matter of fact, the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is deep and profound. Naturally and necessarily, there are two major ways coping with this problem. The first way to tackle it is to appeal to authorities to take measures. Once achieving the success of solving the problem, the whole society also thrives/makes progress. Solving the problem can accelerate better individuals’development. The other way that is worth adopting is to work out new laws. Where there are better laws, there are more hopes, vitality and development. These advisable laws eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony. Finally, I can safely come to the conclusion that it is high time we enhanced the awareness of people that is every vital to us. Only by these means can we succeed in solving the problem in the near future.(1 Therefore, measures should be taken to terminate the ridiculous affair. First and foremost, governments should establish some regulations to prohibit enterprises and people from making such misdeeds. What’s more, people should get ready to pass criticism upon such misdeeds anytime and anywhere. After all, it is necessary to develop our society by performing hard work instead of talking nonsense.

    In my opinion, it is imperative that we should take some drastic actions. On the one hand, we should appeal to our authorities to enact concrete laws to control commercial fishing. On the other hand, we should enhance people's awareness that ocean resources are vital to us and the ecological balance will be guaranteed with the strategy of sustainable development. Only by doing so can we effectively protect our natural resources. Also I am convinced that we humans can overcome this difficulty and we will have a bright future.)

    To conclude, we should not yield to mediocrity regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. So the prospect we are looking forward to will be bright and encouraging.


    Portrayed distinctively by the two cartoons above is an impressive scene: a girl in the left picture is doing homework and saying that early completion is better. Nevertheless, the boy in the right picture is sitting in front of the desk and saying that he will not finish the homework until the last minute.

    Undoubtedly, the symbolic implication of the pictures is to show us that importance should be attached to the formation of good habits, especially the good habit of time management. On the one hand, efficient time management is critical to personal development. As the old saying goes, “Time is money,” and in the fast-paced modern life, it seems that we always have a lot of things to do and we are very busy. In the face of such a situation, we have to realize that efficiency holds the key to saving time and time management skills hold the key to personal success. On the other hand, good time management habits play a vital role in the development of the whole society. There is no doubt that, to a large extent, social progress is closely related to the efforts of each individual. If we can develop the good habit of time management, we are much more likely to improve efficiency and have a better performance in the learning and working process, which is an integral part of social advances and prosperity.

    From what has been mentioned above, we can come to the conclusion that the sense of efficient time management skills is of equal importance in personal and social progress. Therefore, we ought to take advantage of the phenomenon to enlighten the public and the press is expected to take a lead in advertising the value of developing good time management habits. Only in this way can we have a bright future.


    firstly, we are in the information age today. computers are useful in editing and data processing, make it easier for people to communicate with each other and provide all sorts of information. secondly, computer skills can be a competitive edge for job hunter, which stimulates students' interest in computers and encourages them to have a good command of them. finally, as the price of computers drops sharply recent years, more and more students can afford them.

    but some problems also arise, liking wasting students’ time and having negative effect on studies. therefore, we, as students, should always keep in mind that we should use computer in an appropriate way.





    像Gratitude 感激、Call for 呼吁,提倡、Sympathetic 富有同情心的、Supervision 监督、Preservative 防腐剂、Pension 养老金、Regulation 调控、Encounter 遭遇、Indifference 冷漠。多记一些这样社会热点类的词汇,在写作中直接就能用的到。





    例1. Many problems emerged.许多问题出现了。(适用于2011年大作文)

    例2. The mobile phone age comes.手机时代来临了。(适用于2015年大作文)



    例1. This hotpot will be delicious and nutritious.


    例2 .the “white pollution” is still on .



